Pacific Coast Tree Experts is committed to a 5 Step management approach that results in excellence. Each step has an individual message that stands alone yet, when combined, reflect the priorities and guiding theme of the company.


Is the most important aspect of our jobs. It takes priority over all other issues. Safety is an attitude and commitment. It starts from the top and is reflected throughout the organization. In this regard, we operate by the following motto: “Life is bigger than Pacific Coast Tree Experts. We all have families that depend on us and a life outside of work that we should enjoy. Therefore, first and foremost work safely to enjoy the fruits of our labor.”


Is an obligation we have to ourselves and our customers. Safety, proactive management, planning, and logistics hold the key to being productive. Plan the work and work the plan. A motto we operate by is…”do not just work hard, work smart.”


Is a hallmark of our company. Quality is defined as Safety, Productive work, adhering to company and customer specifications, Customer satisfaction and interaction, and professional Pride in work performed. A motto we operate by is…”if we are going to do a job, do it the right way.”


Is expected at all levels of the organization. Communication is the cornerstone of what drives Safety, Productivity, and Quality work. It involves all levels of the organization. A motto we operate by is…”over communicate.”


Is one of the Five Steps because it is an integral part of our ability to operate Safely, Productively, and offer Quality service.